Options is an NPR radio program from the 1970s,
“designed to help listeners
understand the complexities of our time.”

"Listen above for a narrated taste of the show’s endearing hodgepodge of radio music,
from reformatting intern Nicolo Scolieri,
who worked with the RAD team to make archival audio accessible
in this more digital age."

Don Voegeli-
For many years, Voegeli’s work was NPR’s sound -
proof that the young network had a place,
a role in the future of radio.

Here’s a collection of the intros and outros, buttons and bridges, that Don Voegeli made over the years.
Thanks to Wisconsin Public Radio and the National Center for Audio Experimentation,
what a history!

Here’s Susan Stamberg’s take on new sounds, and new ways for us to sound, shared by nprchives in 2017.
pparently Voegeli’s music was controversial:

“Simply marvelous! Some folks can’t stand it!”

Julian Bream and John Williams-
The lovely guitar piece from “The Next Billion Years: Man’s Future in a Cosmic Perspective” is
Ravel’s Pavane pour une infante défunte.

Thanks to Paisley-Scotland for audio artwork.
It was taken at Ben Lomond, the same mountain from the Bream and Williams record cover.


(NPR co-conspirator Kevin Garcia [left] and I,
photographed by Wanyu Zhang "in the studio," 2018)

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